BROACHED was created in 2010 by creative director Lou Weis, as a research-driven production house creating and commissioning design from around the world for spaces ranging from public to retail, to corporate and hospitality. The video below showcases a design project called Broached Recall. The project aims to revisit the 19th-century origins of modernist design and industrialization: it involves creating objects that combine antique furniture pieces with geometric patterns and materials. The project also reflects on the social and environmental impacts of industrialization, such as colonialism, slavery, exploitation, and climate change. The project questions the role of design in giving form to power and the consequences of design’s obsession with innovation and growth. The project is a statement on how design has contributed to the current crises we face and how design needs to rethink its ethical and aesthetic responsibilities.

Where They’ is a visual documentation of the creative environments of artist & people, that meet during my travels, of homes and studios.

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